Our local artisans affectionally mould each piece to present you with authentic designed gifts.
I didn’t start out making outdoor furniture to sell. I simply wanted to create a place where my wife and I could sit by our birch trees and watch the ducks play in the pond near our Margate home.
We needed chairs we could spend some time in: chairs that supported our shoulders and backs, chairs that did not lean too far back, chairs that did not cut into the back of our knees. I also needed chairs that wouldn’t blow away in one of our feisty Island breezes.
Starting with an Adirondack-style, I spent two years building ten prototypes that I tried out on friends and family. Finally, I crafted the comfortable and sturdy chair I wanted, and I built four for our yard…
We have the best customers!! Over the years many of them have shared photos of the products that they’ve bought from us… and many of them come back to visit every year! Have a look at some of our customers’ photos in our Gallery by clicking below.